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Home Dental Services Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry
Hellertown, PA

Smiling woman after receiving preventive services from DeWire Dental in Hellertown, PAHealthy smiles for healthy families start with professional family dentistry. At DeWire Dental, your bright, healthy smile is our top priority. Of course, you'll only smile if you're as happy with our service as you are with our dental treatment. That's why we take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. Not only do we listen to your concerns, but we use gentle, efficient cleaning techniques. We also hire caring, highly trained professionals. Our experienced team of specialists is invested in meeting all of your dental needs; from calming anxieties to teaching good habits, from regular check-ups to sophisticated dental surgery.

At DeWire Dental, we take exceptional care of your oral health. Below are some of the preventive dental services that our practice provides.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Professional cleanings and exams performed by a hygienist or dental assistant are as important to your dental health as daily brushing and flossing. Twice yearly dental check-ups and cleanings help catch problems when they are small and easier to treat. Left unattended, small treatable problems become worse and may require more extensive, expensive procedures to repair. Read More About Dental Cleanings

Sealants for Children & Adults

Sealants are generally used to help prevent tooth decay on the biting surfaces of back teeth (molars). The natural grooves of these teeth can trap food that can resist casual brushing and rinsing. More About Sealants

Nightguards & Mouthguards

Bruxism (teeth grinding) can cause moderate to severe long-term damage to teeth. Constant grinding wears down the surface of the tooth, exposing the soft dentin beneath the enamel. How Nightguards & Mouthguards protect your teeth
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Get in Touch Todayand Schedule Your Visit

Phone: (610) 838-6188
Fax: (610) 838-7770

1089 Main Street
Hellertown, PA 18055-1526

Monday 7:00am–3:30
Tuesday 7:00am–6:00
Thursday 7:00am–3:30
Friday 7:00am–12:00

Copyright © 2018-2025 DeWire Dental and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Preventive Dentistry | DeWire Dental - Dentist Hellertown, PA
Healthy smiles for healthy families start with professional family dentistry. At DeWire Dental, your bright, healthy smile is our top priority. Click the link to learn about our preventive dentistry options.
DeWire Dental, 1089 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055, (610) 838-6188,, 1/10/2025, Page Phrases: dentist hellertown PA,