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Home Dental Services Dental Implants Benefits of the All-on-4 Treatment Concept

Benefits of the All-on-4® Treatment Concept in Hellertown, PA

Diagram of All-on-4 Treatment Concept from DeWire Dental in Hellertown, PAAll-on-4 dental implants are fixed prostheses comprising 10 to 14 teeth supported on four implants. Patients with decayed teeth, periodontal disease, or damaged teeth can benefit from this surgical procedure by scheduling an appointment with DeWire Dental and undergo complete rehabilitation. Failure to seek professional help if you are suffering from any of these conditions can compromise your oral health and affect your self-esteem.

Aside from improving the patient’s overall oral health, All-on-4 dental implants are an effective and efficient solution that saves money and time in the long run. First, the dentist will assess if the exterior anterior maxillae have the sufficient bone density to determine if you are a viable candidate for an All-on-4 procedure. Placing All-on-4 dental implants in this region has proven less costly than conventional implant placement methods. Here are the benefits of the All-on-4 implant placement procedure.

Immediate Results

If you rely on dentures, you can schedule an All-on-4 implant placement procedure and have a permanent implant-supported dental bridge. This is why the procedure is referred to as a smile-a-day procedure since you don’t have to wait a long time to use it. In addition, if you have undergone a tooth extraction procedure or have missing teeth for whatever reason, All-on-4 dental implants can restore full oral function and overall comfort instantly.

Improved Appearance

A tooth extraction procedure may be a viable treatment alternative, but the gaps left behind lead to a decline in bone mass around these areas. Not taking action early can affect the patient’s aesthetics, making you look older. The situation is more difficult if you are missing several teeth, and All-on-4 dental implants can remedy the problem before and after it occurs. These implants restore jawbone density, preventing further decline of the facial structure. In addition, you can expect a significant reduction in wrinkles associated with missing teeth, making your smile more radiant and your appearance younger.

Improve Chewing

Patients with missing or damaged teeth lack full oral capabilities like chewing, making it challenging to enjoy food. With the All-on-4 implant placement procedure, you can enjoy any food you want. In addition, you don’t need to adjust the implants at home or in public since they are permanently placed to serve you for life.

Long-Lasting Smile

The dentist places a set of permanent teeth on four implants during the procedure, forming a comfortable and stable dental bridge. Unlike conventional dentures, All-on-4 dental implants don’t come off when least expected or cause discomfort. After the placement procedure, no adjustment is needed, and you can go about your daily life as usual.

Improve Quality of Life

A healthy set of teeth not only boosts your confidence but also provides comfort. These implants improve the aesthetic appeal of a person’s smile, making you feel better about yourself as you interact with others or engage in various activities. In addition, you don’t have to worry about your appearance or overall oral health since these dental implants reduce the likelihood of periodontal disease, which is linked to other conditions such as heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.

If you are looking for a more efficient and durable alternative to dentures or conventional implants, schedule an appointment with DeWire Dental. Call us today at (610) 838-6188 and talk to a professional dentist to improve your smile and overall oral health.
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Get in Touch Todayand Schedule Your Visit

Phone: (610) 838-6188
Fax: (610) 838-7770

1089 Main Street
Hellertown, PA 18055-1526

Monday 7:00am–3:30
Tuesday 7:00am–6:00
Thursday 7:00am–3:30
Friday 7:00am–12:00

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Benefits of All-On-4 Hellertown, PA Dentist | DeWire Dental
Patients with decayed teeth, periodontal disease, or damaged teeth can benefit greatly by using All-on-4 dental implants. Call to schedule an appointment!
DeWire Dental, 1089 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055 • (610) 838-6188 • • 1/10/2025 • Related Phrases: dentist hellertown PA •